Hello, my name is

Bright Ukpe

I'm a Software Engineer

About Me

Software Engineer

I am a passionate frontend Software Engineer with a relentless drive to create exceptional online experiences. My commitment to clean, efficient, and responsive code is unwavering and I prioritize user experience, ensuring that my web apps are not only visually appealing but also perform seamlessly across diverse devices and browsers. Accessibility and web standards are fundamental aspects of my development process, making sure that my creations are inclusive and future-proof. In addition to technical skills, I have a keen eye for design.
I understand the importance of user-centered design principles and collaborate closely with designers to turn their visions into functional, pixel-perfect web apps. My attention to detail extends to optimizing web apps for speed and performance, ensuring they load swiftly and deliver content without delay.


Unit Conversion

Designed and built a user friendly interface web page where users can input scientific values and select units to convert using HTML, CSS and a bit of JavaScript. Also used CSS media queries for the responsiveness and display on different screen sizes.

Vanessa Durward

Contributed to the design and building of an easy to navigate and user-friendly, responsive port-folio multi-page website for an Australian book writer using a Content Management System (CMS) platform (wix.com).


Designed and built a single paged parallel website as my portfolio using HTML for the skeletal outlook and CSS for the styling. Also used CSS media queries for the responsiveness and adaptation to different screen sizes.

let me build you a great website